Career & Education

Find Job on LinkedIn in 20 Days, But How? Read Life Experience with Example | Tips for Professional Resume

Yes!!! You Did It!!! You got the job on LinkedIn, But How? The question is did you get the best job on LinkedIn? So the answer is definitely Yes. But there are many points you should keep in mind before applying for job or reaching out any HR team member regarding the job circulation. So how I get job on LinkedIn in just 15 to 20 days, Will share my experience in this post.

Every one want’s an job with good CTC (salary) and in comfort zone. But what attract the recruiters for your recruitment is your job profile and resume quality. Yes Resume. Your resume is you finger lock which will unlock your job future. So first we will discuss

How to make best professional Resume/CV

Thing to keep in mind while making Resume is do not focus on designing the resume. Make you resume as much as simple and design free with full of description.

  • First, Point out your expertise points on Notepad or WordPad. Even you can write down on an paper.

This process is the base point for your job profile which will clear all your doubts about your skills and the field of you work you have to make your strong grip. Keep in mind that when you point out you expertise, Then you just focus on those work from the time and just make it more strong field. This is the only thing which will help you to earn and make your future.

  • Now, After pointing out your best works. Filter them again. Like if you are in profession of Journalism

Then point out in what things you have hand like expert. First you have to think about how many fields does you profession have. Like if we talk about journalism it has Digital, Print, Electronic field. And these all field have it’s different aspects of work. Like Digital Video Content, Digital Content Writing, Anchoring, Camera Handling, Field Reporting etc.

  • Now, after pointing out this field. You have to now opt your expertise points. And then describe each and every one with Sub-Points again.
  • Secondly, Point out your skills related to you expertise points mentioned upside. Either you can present them in different box or either you can structure them in some design boxes. Try to give about 6 to 8 best skills you know.
  • Thirdly, You should mention your company worked before. But keep in mind that, Job profile time should be more than 1.5 year. As it shows your trust on behalf of your company.
  • Fourth, Mention your education of College and Higher Secondary Education.
  • Finally, At last of the profile mention some of your best works you did for past / current company. Either you can paste the hyperlink or you can mention screenshot.

How to reach out recruiters on LinkedIn

After creating your job profile / resume manually. Now it’s time to take you work world wide. Yes, I am saying world wide because there can be a chance that you can get job from foreign country as well. When I was searching for job, I got inbox from an Canadian video editing company who make videos for their clients. Director of video team and CEO of the company personally approached me requesting to apply on their job recruitment site. So might they got attracted with my job profile on LinkedIn. Now it’s your chance. What you have to do, Let’s discuss.

Develop you profile

After creating your profile on LinkedIn. Just take out you Resume you created before and according to it, Place all your works online on LinkedIn. Like your summary, experience, skills, CTC, contact info etc. These are one of the main things which recruiters search in your profile. So try to place them in an good format, Which can attract them.

Post time to time activities

As you developed your profile. Now it’s time to post your works online. Keep in mind that till now we don’t have to connect with any HR or person who is hiring. Because up to now we have just worked on our 80% profile development work. Just take around one week of time to post of best achievements, best works on LinkedIn. This all is to attract the recruiters.

When any one visit your profile the will first see your skills and company. Then they jump to your activities posted. And then they compare your work quality. So it’s an suggestion to post only that things which you have best achieved in past time.

Now it’s time to Reach Out Hiring Persons

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