
Know here, Benefits of applying milk on face daily

Milk is know for high protein and is given from birth. But did you know milk benefits on applying on  your skin ? So Let us know here. Here are some tips, you can use milk on you skin, and also know it’s benefits.

Milk can also be used as a moisturizer on the body or face. Due to moisture and plenty of nutrition in milk, face and body become shiny and moisture comes in them. Instead of using cosmetics sold in the market, you should use some natural ingredients like milk and cream. You will get the benefit soon.

  • Use of milk as a moisturizer does not cause any problem. Apart from milk, you can also make your face beautiful by using curd or cream. Let us know how milk can be used to make the face shiny and full of moisture.

Massage your face with a teaspoon of milk. After that wash face with clean water. This makes the face moisturized. Do this when you are going for a bath. If desired, other ingredients in milk can be mixed. Apart from this, you can also use milk in a face pack.

  • If the raw milk is slightly creamy then it is good for you. Do not boil it. Take a clean cloth and dip it in a bowl of raw milk. Then wipe the face with a light hand. Leave it like this for 15 minutes. After this, scrub the face with the same cloth. Then wash the face. This will make your skin soft and your face will look clear.

You can also use milk as a moisturizer on your body. Do use it once a week. You do not need to bathe with milk. Soak only one cloth in a bowl full of milk and scrub your entire body with it. Doing this continuously for a few days will brighten your body.

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