
Best source of Vitamin C other than Lemon | Best substitutes for Lemon

Lemon plays an important role in our diet. This is the reason that whatever the season is, lemon is always used. It is used to increase immunity or to drive away heat. But now a days in India and other part of the word, Lemon price are rapidly hiking. Lemon is being sold at rate of 200rs per kg to 400rs, And now due to price hike people are searching for subsitue for lemon. Here we will tell you through this article what things you can use instead of lemon.

Use these things instead of lemon

  • We use lemon to increase immunity. In such a situation, let us tell you that vitamin C is found inside lemon, which boosts immunity. You can use orange instead of lemon. There is a lot of vitamin C inside oranges and immunity-boosting properties are also found inside it.
  • You can add pineapple to your diet for vitamin C. Let us tell you that vitamin C is also found inside pineapple, inside which vitamin C is present in abundance along with calcium, magnesium. In this case, pineapple can be added instead of lemon.

  • You can also add strawberries to your diet instead of lemon. Along with anti-oxidants, vitamin C is also present inside strawberries, which is useful in removing many problems of the body.

  • Adding kiwi in place of lemon can also prove to be a better option. Vitamin C is present inside kiwi. In such a situation, immunity can be boosted by its consumption.

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