
Lighten Dark Underarms : Home Remedies To Remove Darkness Of Underarms

Many women avoid wearing sleeveless clothes to hide the dark underarms. You can also adopt some home remedies to remove this blackness. But hair removers and deodorants should also be used in limited quantities. Let’s know home remedies to remove dark underarms.

Cucumber – Consuming cucumber in summer is beneficial for health. Apart from this, it is beneficial for the skin. You can also use cucumber to remove the blackness of underarms. It also contains natural bleaching agents which are best for treating dark skin. For this, you have to grate a cucumber or grind it in a mixer grinder and filter its juice. Now take a cotton ball and dip it in the juice. By applying it on your dark underarms daily, not only will the blackness go away, but the problem of bad odor will also go away.

Potato – Potatoes are acidic. They contain natural bleaching agents. You can also use potatoes to lighten your dark skin. For this, rub a thin piece of potato on your underarms. Apart from this, you can also make potato puree. Filter its juice. Take a cotton ball and dip it in the juice and apply it on the underarms. Let it dry and then wash off with warm water.

Coconut oil – Coconut oil also helps in removing dark underarms. For this, you have to massage the dark underarms with coconut oil. Leave the oil on like this for 15 minutes. After that wash it off with lukewarm water. Massaging the underarms with coconut oil daily can remove the dark underarms naturally.

Lemon – Lemon contains natural bleaching agents. It helps in removing dark underarms. For this, cut a lemon and massage it on the underarms for a few minutes. You can do this twice a week. Apart from this, you can also add a little turmeric powder to lemon juice. This will help to remove the dark underarms naturally.

Baking soda – Baking soda can be the best exfoliator for your dark skin. For this you have to prepare a paste from baking soda. For this prepare a paste by mixing water with baking soda. Now apply this paste to scrub your underarms. Wash it off with clean water after massaging it after drying. You can do this twice a week.

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