
How much protein in 100 grams Paneer ? Benefits of eating Paneer on empty stomach

It is said that morning breakfast should be like a king. This means that in the morning we should have healthy healthy food. What did you think about eating dairy products on empty stomach during morning ? And if we talk about Paneer ? Most of us like to have Poori, Parantha etc. for breakfast and after eating think that we have breakfast well. But these smooth breakfasts in the morning are not considered good for health.

Instead, eat 100 grams of raw paneer for breakfast in the morning. Cheese contains many nutrients like protein, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and iron. Healthy diet also reaches the body by eating it and your stomach also stays full for a long time. Let’s know about the benefits of cheese and the amount of nutrients found in it.

How much Protein and Nutrients in 100 grams of Paneer ?

  • 98 calories
  • 11.12 grams of protein
  • 3.38 grams of carbohydrates
  • 7 grams of fat
  • 2.6 grams sugar
  • 721 mg calcium

Reduces body fat : For those who want to lose weight, paneer is a very good option. After eating cheese, the body also gets all the nutrients and the stomach remains full for a long time. Due to this, there is no appetite and you are saved from over eating.

Strengthens bones : It contains calcium and carbohydrates that work to strengthen bones and teeth. Raw cheese is more beneficial for health than processed cheese.

Increases hemoglobin : People who have too much weakness and fatigue, there is a lack of blood in the body. They should eat 100 grams of raw cheese on an empty stomach every morning. Due to this, hemoglobin increases rapidly and fatigue and weakness in the body is removed.

Reduces the risk of diabetes and heart diseases : Cheese contains many minerals that control blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as prevent insulin from rising. In such a situation, the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart diseases is reduced.

Immune system strengthens : Cheese is a good source of vitamin A. In such a situation, it works to strengthen the immune system. Due to its strength, the body is protected from many diseases. Apart from this, it also prevents problems related to digestion, stress, and depression.

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