how to remove face dark spots

Skin Care Tips : Remove Face Dark spots in just 7 days, Follow these tips

Skin Care Tips to Remove Face Dark spots : You will look beautiful only when your face looks glowing and spotless even without makeup. But for this you have to take care of the skin in an special way. Due to sunlight, pollution, wrong lifestyle dark spots start appearing on the face. But with help of some easy methods, you can make your face glow with no dark spots on face. It can be ij just 7 days. So let us jump direct to the tips for skin care.

Aloe Vera Gel : Aloe vera is very beneficial for the skin, it removes the stains of the face and also increases its glow. For this, you can make a face scrub by mixing aloe vera gel with coffee powder or lemon peel powder. You can adopt this home remedy 2 to 3 times a week to remove dark spots.

Using curd on face : Curd is very beneficial for removing dark spots on the face. This home remedy removes stains from your skin very quickly and makes it spotless. The easiest use of curd for the skin is to make a face pack. You mix curd and honey and apply it on the face and after drying wash the face with lukewarm water.

Use of Sunscreen : When the sun damages the skin, even then dark spots start appearing on the face. That’s why you must use sunscreen before leaving the house. Sunscreen helps to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun.

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Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy, timeliness and genuineness of this information. However, it is not the moral responsibility of Zee News Hindi. We kindly request you to consult your doctor before trying any remedy. Our purpose is only to provide you with information.

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