
Ingenuity Helicopter flying on surface of Mars, NASA released video with sound

The US space agency NASA has released audio and video of its mini helicopter Ingenuity flying on the surface of the planet Mars. This mini chopper completed its fifth test flight through a one-way trip. It flew to another airfield, 129 meters from Wright Brothers Field. During this time it also flew to a height of 10 meters and took some pictures before landing on the ground. This video-audio flight test has been recorded by Ingenuity’s robotic partner perseverance Rover from a distance of a football field.

In this video with audio, a soft and humming sound of the air of Mars can be heard. Ingenuity in the video frame can be seen on the right before taking off. When the helicopter takes flight, the humming of the air increases. During this, the helicopter lifts it up by rotating at 2,537 rpm. The MastCam-Z device of Perception Rover captured the video. Many of Ingenuity’s best pictures and videos have been sent to the Earth through this camera, but they were never mixed with audio.

Voice will help in understanding the atmosphere of Mars

David Mimon, head of the Supercam microphone mounted on the Rover, said in a statement that from the test conducted on Earth, we felt that the microphone would hardly be able to record the sound of the Ingenuity flight. He said that but now I am surprised to hear the sound of the blades of the helicopter and the wind blowing on the surface of Mars. To understand the atmosphere of Mars, this recording is nothing less than a gold mine.

Flying on Mars for the first time on 19 April

The helicopter, weighing four pounds, was fitted inside NASA’s perseverance Rover and landed on the surface of Mars on 4 April. It made history when the Ingenuity helicopter first flew on 19 April. Actually, this was the first time that a helicopter was flown on another planet other than Earth. In the beginning, the engineers had planned to conduct five flight tests, so that the Perception Rover could carry out its major task of searching for ancient life. During the test flight, Rover acted as a cameraman. At the same time, now engineers have planned to do more test flights considering the performance of the helicopter.

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