
How to apply for Adhaar Card and it’s legal Fees

Hello Friends, In this post you will be able to know how to apply for Adhaar Card and it’s Legal Fees which you have to pay. So lets go.

Adhaar card is and India identification which is legally approved by government. In today’s time adhaar card is most important where ever you are in India. It’s and type of Identification Card which keeps all your information with you Photo, Date of Birth, and Address.


For to apply for adhaar card you have to firstly go to you near center of Adhaar. The present worker in the center will give you an form which you have to fill with correct details.

  • You have to provide you name as per marksheet of school (10th or 12th).
  • You have to linkup you mobile number with you adhaar card.
    Note : Please keep in mind that you have to provide the number which you will keep for a long time with you and specially it should be working condition means it should be activated SIM number.It is not necessary that the SIM card should be registered with you name. It can be registered with you father name or any other person who you know very well.
  • Further you will be call by the person to give you Fingers Impression on a machine. Then you Eye will be scanned. You E-Photo will be taken with the help of web cam.
  • After these above process you will get and Enrollment Slip by the center.
    Note: : You have to keep safely the Enrollment Slip. Because it will helpful in coming days to take out E-Adhaar from net. You will also receive your Adhaar card via Post Office of you District.

Lefal Fees fo Adhaar Card

It’s most important to know the legal fees for to apply first time for the adhaar card and the fees charged for to Edit some details in the Adhaar Card.

While applying first time for adhaar there is no charge to be taken. It is absolutely FREE

When you have to edit some details in you adhaar card. The Adhaar center will charge the Fees of Rs.25 with you and it’s an legal fees.

How to Download E-Adhaar

If you want to save or download your E-Addhaar in you computer or mobile or Email you have to follow the below stepls :

  1. Go to UIDAI website
  2. Now find Adhaar Enrollment Tab
  3. Now select Download Adhaar
  4. Here you will see two options, First “Enrollment ID” and Second “Adhaar”
  5. If you have Adhaar card select Adhaar option and if you have Enrollment ID but you do not got adhaar card by post you can select Enrollment ID option.
  6. Now fill the details according to option you selected.
  7. After downloading the E-Adhaar you will have to provide an password to open the file.
  8. The password for to open E-Adhaar file is you local PIN CODE.
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