
What to do after passing 10th class ?

Today we will briefly discuss an important turning point of your life, i.e What to do after passing 10th class. According to my experience when i passed 10th class from a CBSE affiliated school there was no one who can suggest me a good future tips. Hopefully my father suggested me some ideas on which i took the step and proceed further. So we will firstly start with some question which you should ask your self :

  1. Which is you favorite line you have to work after completing you education ?
  2. Which college is best for you field ?
  3. Did you want to continue with you father’s business ?

Option after taking wrong field in 11th class.

Friends there is also an option if you selected wrong course / field in 11th class. For example if you took Maths in 11th class but you think that you can not handle it so you can change it in 12th class (After passing 11th class). Means you have to first complete the 11th stage with maths and then you can took Commerce/Biology etc in 12th class.

Problems/Hurdles to face after changing subject in 12th class.

Friends as we know that tree is only powerful and long living when it absorve high amount of water and other important thing while growing stage. Likewise when if you took Commerce in 11th class and if you continue with same subject in 12th class the previous study material (11th) will help you to compete in 12th class. Because basics of the subject are completed in 11th and the main part of the related subject is being teach in further Year.

What to when Financial Condition of family is not good ?

Friends all student’s family are not same. Some of them are rich, some of them are middle class and some of them are poor who are not able to afford fees structure of the school (Private schools specially). In 11th class fees may be about Rs. 20,000 or more than that.

If your family condition is not good that means if your parents can not afford highly fees structure of school you can just select any school which is doing admission in low cost means in between about Rs. 5,000 – Rs 8,000. See there will be not CBSE school which will provide admission with the above budget but you can just select any of the school registered with you State Board. There will be not problem in it. Specially you will also be able to select Regular OR Private study. That means, if you want to only give exam and you do not want to go to school regularly you can select Private Field. On other hand, If you want to regular go to school you can select Regular Field. There is one thing which is positive in Private field is that you can also do JOB or can handle you Dad’s business with continuing you 11th and 12th class study.

How to take admission in State Board School
after passing 10th Class?

Documents required to take admission in State Board School

  1. Required TC (transfer certificate) from the school from where you passed 10th class.
  2. Passport photo
  3. Adhaar Card
  4. Markesheet of 10th Class
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