
Can diabetic patients eat mango? Know how much quantity is right

Almost everyone likes to eat mango in summer. Apart from being delicious, mangoes contain many nutrients. Although mango has a natural sweetness, yet diabetic patients remain in the dilemma whether to eat it or not. Let us know whether eating mango increases blood sugar and in what quantity should diabetic patients eat it.

amount of mango in diabetes

Mangoes contain all the essential vitamins and minerals. It is also beneficial in controlling blood sugar. One cup of chopped mango contains 99 calories, 1.4 grams of protein, 25 grams of carbs, 22.5 grams of sugar, 2.6 grams of fiber, 67% vitamin C, 18% folate, 10% vitamin A and 10% vitamin E. Apart from this, it contains some amount of calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium.

effect of mango on blood sugar

Effect of mango on blood sugar- More than 90% of the calories in mango come from its sweetness. This is the reason why it increases blood sugar in diabetic patients. However, along with this, mango also contains fiber and many types of antioxidants which reduce its effect on blood sugar.

amount of mango in diabetes

The fiber found in mango slows down the rate at which sugar is absorbed from the blood, while its antioxidants help reduce the stress associated with blood sugar. They make it easier for the body to make carbs and stabilize blood sugar levels.

glycemic index of mango

Glycemic Index of Mango- The effect of any food on blood sugar is known through its Glycemic Index (GI) rank. It is measured on a scale of 0-100. Any food that ranks less than 55 is considered low in sugar on this scale. These foods are considered suitable for diabetic patients. Mango’s GI rank is 51 i.e. diabetic patients can also eat it.

amount of mango in diabetes

However, people should still remember that everyone’s body can react differently to certain foods. Mango contains healthy carb, yet it is important to pay attention to how much quantity you eat it. If you have diabetes and you want to eat mango, then you should include it very carefully in your diet.

amount of mango in diabetes

In order not to increase blood sugar, you should avoid eating too many mangoes at the same time. If you have diabetes, eat 1/2 cup (82.5 grams) of mango and see if your blood sugar rises or not and if it increases then by how much. You can decide the quantity of your mango food accordingly.

amount of mango in diabetes

Mango is high in fiber but low in protein. Protein lowers blood sugar, so diabetic patients can make a balanced diet by mixing protein with mango. You can also eat boiled eggs, cheese or some nuts with mango.

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