In the last few years Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) problem has increased rapidly in women. PCOS is a serious hormonal problem caused by metabolic and reproductive problems. PCOS problem is found in many women and girls, but very few people know about it.
Let us know what is PCOS –
In PCOS, a lot more hormones are produced in the body of women than normal. Because of this imbalance in hormones, there is an ovulation due to which periods are not regular. Later on, it also causes problems in pregnancy.
This problem is found more at the age of 20 to 30 years. PCOS has a bad effect on ovaries due to which the reproductive organs of women are affected. It is the reproductive organ that produces estrogen and progesterone hormones in the body that balance periods.
Symptoms of PCOS –
According to doctors PCOS symptoms develop around the time of first menstruation. Sometimes this problem can happen even after one age. Weight gain can also cause this problem. Symptoms of PCOS vary from woman to woman.
The most common sign of PCOS is periods of irregular or prolonged pain. Less than 9 periods in a year, an interval of more than 35 days between two periods and an unusually high period.
Due to hormone imbalance (excess release of hormones in men) many times in women, excess hair starts coming on the face and body and sometimes pimples appear on the face. Sometimes baldness can also be a problem. These can all be signs of PCOS.
Polycystic ovary –
In this case ovary, ie ovaries start to grow, due to which the number of follicles around the egg starts increasing and ovary is not able to function properly. This problem becomes more serious in obese people.
What causes PCOS –
Lack of insulin in the body- Insulin is a hormone that helps the digestive system in the body to make the sugar it receives from food. Insulin in women stops after PCOS, due to which there is extra pressure on the body. Owing to this pressure, Ovary starts extracting the hormones containing the men.
Problems caused by PCOS –
Infertility is the main problem caused by PCOS. Many times, serious problems such as miscellaneous and premature births are also faced. Apart from this, women may suffer from depression due to high blood pressure, high blood sugar, stroke, heart disease, uterine cancer and body changes.
How to treat PCOS at home –
How to treat at home – It can be cured at home by making some changes in lifestyle. To control PCOS, follow a low carbohydrate diet, lose weight and exercise for at least 30 minutes daily. Losing weight also reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease and cholesterol level is also right.
Medical treatment for PCOS –
Medical treatment- Medical treatment of PCOS can also be done. In this case, doctors give medicines to balance the hormones and because of this, the periods become regular. Ovary surgery is also done to remove the problem of infertility.
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