
Yoga shows its effect from the very first day, such a result on the body throughout the year

The effect of yoga is not only visible on the body but it can also be felt from inside. There are many benefits to the body by doing yoga. There are some yoga asans that people of any age can easily do. Yoga is such a thing that the day you start doing it, your body starts changing from that day itself. The more you bring it into your habit, the better your body will become. Let us know how yoga brings changes in your body day by day.

The effect of doing yoga daily for a few days-

Effect of doing yoga daily for a few days – According to a 2017 study, cholesterol levels, stress and inflammation are less in those who do yoga every day. Doing hatha yoga for 20 minutes every day increases the ability to concentrate and memory. According to a study by the University of Oslo, Norway, the effect of doing yoga every day also affects genes and immune cells.

effect of yoga.

Apart from this, by doing yoga daily, the flexibility of the body increases and always feels active. A study by Colorado State University in the US found that Bikram yoga done in 26 postures for 90 minutes in a heated room is very beneficial for the body. It improves shoulders, lower back and muscles. It is also helpful in increasing strength and reducing body fat.

Effect visible after a few months.

Effect visible after a few months – Yogasanas like Warrior Pose, Utkatasana or Chaturanga Dandasana work to increase strength and strengthen muscles. These asanas burn calories faster and get into body shape. Men who do yoga every day experience perfect toned biceps and triceps in a few months. With yoga for months, the body becomes strong from inside and the waist becomes thin.

effect of yoga.

Yoga is also beneficial in reducing high blood pressure. Health experts say that the high blood pressure of those who do yoga is reduced faster than diet, walk and counseling programs. Not only this, doing Hatha yoga for 15 weeks also increases the efficiency of the lungs.

effect of yoga.

According to the study, doing yoga for a few months removes the problem of erectile dysfunction in men and increases sexual desire. According to researchers from West Virginia University, hatha yoga effectively reduces lower back pain and works to improve mood. At the same time, according to a study by Boston University, doing yoga continuously for 12 weeks increases gamma-aminobutyric in the brain. Due to this, depression and stress are removed.

effect of yoga.

According to a 2015 study by the Department of Physiology and Diabetic Clinic, just three months of yoga can reduce body mass index and stop the rise in blood sugar. Many diabetic patients have experienced a significant difference in blood sugar levels after doing Mandukasana, Shashankasana, Yogamudrasana, Vakrasana and Gomukhasana for a few weeks at home.

effect of yoga.

Doing yoga continuously for a few months improves balance and reduces the signs of ageing. Yoga strengthens your bones, corrects body posture and improves the digestive system. After a few weeks of yoga, you will find yourself fit and confident from inside.

After a few years the effect of yoga on the body.

After a few years, the effect of yoga on the body- By doing yoga for years, blood sugar, high blood pressure, cholesterol and heart diseases are removed. A 2016 study claimed that 12 minutes of yoga every day increases bone density and prevents osteoporosis. Yoga is helpful in maintaining a healthy weight.

effect of yoga

The effect of doing yoga for a long time is not only physical but also mental. Feelings like stress, depression or anger are greatly reduced in such people. By doing meditation with yoga, you feel very calm mentally. 20 minutes of yoga every day improves memory, speed and focus

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