New Delhi – Isolation coaches have been designed by the Indian Railways to fight the corona virus epidemic. The middle berth has been removed from one side to replace the bogies in the isolation ward for the patients. At the same time, all three berths have been removed from the front of the patient. Also all ladders have been removed to climb berths. Bathrooms, corridor areas and other areas have also been modified to prepare isolation coaches. The number of patients infected with Corona virus in India has reached 873.
Minister of Railways and Commerce & Industry Piyush Goyal writes – Preparing to Combat Coronavirus: In a novel initiative, Railways has converted train coaches into isolation wards for COVID-19 patients. Now, Railways will offer clean, sanitised & hygienic surroundings for the patients to comfortably recover. India Fights Corona.
Deepak Kumar, spokesperson for Northern Railway, said, “Railways have prepared a prototype of an isolation ward for the treatment of corono virus patients by converting non-air conditioned train coaches. Each railway zone will build a rack with 10 compartments every week after some suggestions are finalized in the next few days. Then we will make them available in rural areas or whatever areas need coaches.
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