
Easiest way to update your blog contents without typing

In today’s busiest world people are not getting time to update their blog due to many other works. Here i will show you how to update your blog very easily without typing with keyboard so much, and this work you can do even before sleep.

One of the easiest thing to write the content for your blog or your website is your android phone. Yes, you can use “Voice Typing” method for to dictate you content for you blog. What you have to do is just open your Whats App in mobile and go to your message tab and now select Voice Typing icon for to be written. You can dictate you content on it and after it complete send the message to any of your personal number.

Now secondly, There will be some mistakes in you content written by voice typing in you Whats App so just take that content to you PC either via E-Mail or connecting you whats app with web.whatspp.comand copy the content directly trough it on your PC Notepad or Word Pad. After this you can edit it and then post it to you blog.

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