india corona news

India recorded more than 19000 Corona cases in 24 hours

New Delhi – Corona cases in the India have crossed 6 lakh and according to the altest update released by the Health Ministry on Thursday 2 July, the total number of patients in the country is 6 lakh 4 thousand 641, in which 17 thousand 834 people have died. So far, 3 lakh 60 thousand patients have been cured from Corona, while the number of active cases is about 2 lakh 27 thousand.

In the last 24 hours, 19 thousand 148 new cases of corona have been reported in the country and 434 people have died. According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), a total of 90 lakh 56 thousand 173 samples were tested till July 1.

Delhi- The speed of corona infection in the country’s capital has decreased slightly. The total number of patients in Delhi is around 90 thousand, in which 2803 people have died. So far, about 60 thousand people have been cured, while the number of active cases is more than 27 thousand.

Maharashtra – The number of corona patients in the state is increasing every day. The total number of patients is 1 lakh 80 thousand 298, in which 8 thousand 53 people have died. So far, more than 93 thousand people have been cured, the number of active cases is more than 79 thousand.

Gujarat – The speed of corona infection has stopped in the state. The total number of patients is 33 thousand 232, in which 1867 people have died. So far, more than 24 thousand patients have been cured in Gujarat, while the number of active cases is 7335.

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