President Joe Biden

US President Biden appointed two consultants and two advisors for himself

America: These will be Joe Biden’s ‘Nine Gems’ in the White House, will help in making policies. Appointment of one consultant for Biden’s wife Jill Biden who will also work with four consultants Appoint a total of 9 senior officers for White House

After winning the presidential election, Joe Biden is busy preparing his team. Biden is appointing his advisors, who will help Biden to formulate policies that affect the world for the next four years. President Elect Biden has appointed his advisors and strategists in the White House. Team Biden has given information about this. At this time, nine officers have been appointed.

Information given from Joe Biden’s office states that nine senior White House officials have been appointed. Joe Biden has said that these officials are experts in governance. If we talk about the appointed officers, Biden has appointed two consultants and two advisors for himself.

Mike Donilon will serve as Senior Advisor for Biden, Dana Remus Biden has been appointed Counsel. Steve Risetti will also be the President’s advisor, in addition Cedric Richmond will be senior adviser to President Biden. In this way, Joe Biden will work with four advisors right now.

Anthony Bernal has been appointed senior adviser to Dr. Billy’s wife, Dr. Jill Biden. Julissa Reynso Pantalione will be Dr. Jill Biden’s Chief of Staff. In addition, there are other officials who will look after the work of the entire White House. In this, Jane Wo Miley Dillon has been appointed as Deputy Chief of Staff. Julie Rodridge has been appointed director of the White House Intergovernmental Affairs. Annie Tommasini has been appointed director of Oval Office Operations.

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