News Desk – The American scientist, who came under discussion with the Netflix documentary Pandemic, says that his team has found a cure for the corona virus. Dr. Jacob Glanville has stated that he has achieved this success only by the use of several antibodies used against the virus causing severe acute respiratory syndrome.
According to the Daily Mail report, Dr. Jacob Glanville, a Physician based in California and the CEO of Distributed Bio, said that he was happy to say that the engineering work had been completed. Now we have an effective antibody that can work against the corona.
Talking to Radio New Zealand, the scientist said that his team used 5 antibodies used against SARS in 2002. Through these antibodies, he has tried to find a cure for corona virus (COVID-19). SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 are viruses of the same family.
American scientist said that so far they have prepared millions of antibodies. They have also been mutated. After the new antibodies are tested on humans, it can be used against the corona virus. After the test is successful, it can be sent to the government agency for approval.
Dr. Jacob Glanville stated that these antibodies bind S-proteins through which the corona virus enters the body. He said that after resuming all research, it may take longer to prepare antibodies, so he has used the antibodies already present. If this antibody test is successful, it can be used for short term. The actual vaccine protects people for life, but a short-term vaccine can provide protection for up to 10 years.
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