
Corona Vaccine Trial Successful on 14 people in China

News Desk – Good news from china is that Corona Vaccine has been shown positive result which was tested on 14 people in China. Clinical trials of a vaccine made for the Corona virus Kovid-19 on 17 March. That is, started testing on humans. Now the results of this test are very positive. All these tests were started in Wuhan city of China. After the vaccine test, it was seen that 14 people have been sent home. Now he is completely safe and healthy. They are also under medical supervision.

983 Corona Positive IndiaThis vaccine has been created by Chen Wei and his team, the biggest bio-warfare scientist in China. The 108 people who were being tested. All these people are in the age group of 18 years to 60 years. All these people were divided into three groups. Different groups of people were given different amounts of the vaccine. All these 108 people have been quarantined at the Wuhan Special Service Health Center. All these people have been given vaccine on different days, so all people have to stay there till the quarantine period is completed. That is, all these people will be able to go to their homes in the next few weeks.

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