As COVID-19 (corona virus) infection is increasing in the world, all kinds of conspiracy news are also coming. One such conspiracy theory spread in the internet world is that 5G technology has a role in spreading the corona virus after which World Health Organization (WHO) has issued an advisory on this news.
In the online world, a lot of debate and discussion started about it. Because of this, the World Health Organization had to come forward. The UK telecom companies issued a joint statement, claiming such claims to be baseless and intended to cause harm.
Actually 5G technology requires much more dense network than 3G and 4G. This is because the spectrum band mid band and millimeter waves used in it have high frequency waves, which require more towers and small cell-like networks for coverage. If any telecom company used millimeter wave, then it would be necessary to install more antennas at every base station.
What WHO said ?
WHO issued an advisory clarifying that the Corona Virus does not spread through radio waves or mobile networks. The WHO said that the corona virus has spread to many countries where 5G network has not yet been reached.
Is 5G technology harmful for health
According to an estimate, around 125 telecom companies have started commercial 5G technology at present. Most of them are in America. A study by WHO and the US National Library of Medicine shows that it does not harm people’s health, but in several independent studies, scientists have claimed damage to health.
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