Tom and Jerry Cartoon returns Back as Film, Watch Trailer Here

In the 90s, if a child was asked what his favorite cartoon was, the answer was always Tom and Jerry. This dialogue created a different place in everyone’s heart without dialogues and only on the basis of fun tunes and animations. For many years, the show ruled the audience’s heart. Now, Tom and Jerry are returning after many years. But with a twist.

Now Tom and Jerry have left your TV screen and come on the big screen. A film has been made on this famous cartoon. The trailer of the film Tom and Jerry has gone viral on social media. In the trailer, Tom and Jerry have now found a place in the real world. How Tom and Jerry adjust between humans, how both have fun, all this will be shown in the film. The entire film has been shot in New York and the location has been kept in a hotel. The story keeps a backdrop of a royal wedding and shows how Tom and Jerry make fun of that wedding.

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